Meth auditory hallucinations
Meth auditory hallucinations

46.1% of the inpatients were treated with Risperidone and 37.5 % with Olanzapine. Recovery from psychotic symptoms in 31.6 % of the inpatients took more than one month. The most frequent psychiatric symptoms were violence (75.6 %), intimate partner violence (61.2 %), delusions of persecution (85.5 %), delusions of reference (38.5 %), delusions of grandiosity (32.9 %), delusions of infidelity (30.2 %), auditory hallucinations (51.3 %), visual hallucinations (18.4 %), suicidal thoughts (14.5 %), homicidal thoughts (3.9 %), suicide attempts (10.5 %) and homicide attempts (0.7 %). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. These inpatients received their usual treatments and were monitored for their psychiatric symptoms and clinical course of illness. Based on their lengths of recovery time, the inpatients were categorized into 3 clinical groups. Data regarding suicide and homicide and violence were also obtained through interviews with the inpatients and their family. Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) subscales of suspiciousness, unusual thought content hallucinations and hostility were used to measure psychiatric symptoms.

meth auditory hallucinations

The present study was conducted with an aim to investigate clinical symptoms, and course and treatment methods of MIP inpatients in Shafa Psychiatry Hospital in northern Iran.

meth auditory hallucinations

Over the past few years, methamphetamine-induced psychosis (MIP) has increased in Iran, accounting for a significant percentage of psychiatry hospital admissions.

Meth auditory hallucinations